The weather has sure heated up and the year has got away from us again so it's time for a quick fly and a few refreshing drinks to round out the year.

Turk and his great pit crew Simon had a bit of trouble with the Pt-19 but managed to get a few good flights in
with the rest of their flight line. The Dual Ace finally had it's maiden and it flew fantastic. There was a great mound of "O"rings left behind Turk after the flight but it was all worth it. A bit of magic liquid on the under carriage was needed before the next flight but that too was a success, Great to hear the sound of the twins in the air...
Michael had his camera strapped to the leg of his katana for another one of his rip tear or bust flights.
Before the flight....
After the very very very low pass inverted...
Hmmmmmm.. Epoxy needed....
Landing inverted is really not that healthy..
Rob had a great flight with
his MSX-R. Now fitted
with his old Dle 30.
Curtis had his usual hanger out for a run.
Anthony had no luck trying to coax his Aquila into life so he gave his MSX-R a flogging instead. Sure got rid of any cobwebs in that one.
He followed up with a good gentle flight of his Boomerang.

James (alias the Spectrum salesman) had his P-47 up and flying and looking good.
He also had his son Daniel out for a trial flight with his trustworthy Edge. It proved to be a real tail dragger today as the tail wheel was sort of missing.
(Ohhh No.Looking at this photo it seems like we have another chip off the old block)
Cameron was out to master his foamie today.
James 2 had his massive 4 prop gyro out for a spin. James 1 was also fascinated.
What was that saying about small things and small minds... OOps nothing..
I mean..It was cool to see flying.
Congratulations to James 2 for going solo today with his boomerang. Well done.
Dennis had his Yak on full tilt and put on a good show. You sure have come a long way since the crash and burn days of old. Well done Dennis.
It was finally that time of year were we had to cleanse the throat and say cheers to that big guy with the white beard and red suit. He has been given permission to use our runway this Christmas as long as his reindeer don't leave to much shit on the taxi ways. .....
Remember Santa we have all been very very good this year....
The club would like to thank all its members and all others that have contributed to our continued success. We have gained many friends through out the year and i would like to say hi to a great flying club way down south in Phillip Island Victoria. I was lucky to meet the president Brad Crossman a year ago and we have been in regular contact since. They operate in a similar style to our club. Their club web site can be viewed on this link They have some great and interesting aircraft down there. Have a look...
While on the good news side of things i am very pleased to tell you that Graemes continued fight for good health is finally heading in the right direction. He is looking and feeling a whole lot better. Hopefully he will be able to venture home again soon. Can't wait to see you back out and flying.
Seeing how you are off the alcohol for a while we have all decided to have a couple of extra drinks for you.......
Merry Christmas everyone. Have fun and above all stay safe. See you next year........