Sunday, 3 May 2015

02 May 2015

                                      Another glorious day and a great turn out of flyers.

Here are a crowd of our members sporting the new look colours and shirts. 


The field is looking fantastic .

Another shot of the field from Camerons UAV.

 Billy on a rampage to get some flight time on his Cap in preparation for the Stang.


 You just can't beat the look of the mustang. Glamerous Glenn had a good engine run and taxi test just to tease us a little.

Greg had his Ultimate up for a fly and also attempted to get his Gyro up and flying.
Couldn't coax it into the air so maybe next week. 

Contrary to popular belief I do still fly. Hehehe
After sorting out the radio problems in the JR which appears to be just some dry solder
joints on the module board. After 3 expensive crashes I could only be game to fly the trainers.

I resurrected the old Classic after having it hang on the wall for several years.
A litre of CRC and a bit of fuel and away she went. It looks rough but flys so well.

Curtis had a bit of fun with his Astro hog.
Anthony showed no mercy with his boomerang.

And midget Su.

Jack had some success with his new Pc9 but had to sort out an engine starting problem first.
I think a new Glow plug is next on the list..

Billy started out with his heli. 

The Super Cub ready for flight.
Gee I like that Edge 540. Looks very familiar.

Good to see you back up and flying Billy.

 Dennis had his Yak up and running


  The Pc9' was again ready following last weeks little mishap.

Not to be out done here comes the big guns again with another great flight of the Falcon

Our resident Spectrum salesperson had some good flights of his P47

Great to see the arrangement of aircraft that Barry and his hanger had in stock.

This was an interesting Gyro that Barrie has not yet been able to get into the air.
Today it taxied the length of the strip superbly and still wouldn't lift off.
I think some modification to the blade angle is on the cards.

Next up was Michael with his um his um his taped up yellow thing.....
It flew perfectly until the thumbs got in the way and a 20g landing spelt rest time for the tape.

James had another successful solo with his boomerang.

Cameron and a litre of foam safe glue managed to tidy up the SkyMule...Again...
Cameron's super quick Stinger before.......

And after some dumb thumbing. The control rates proved to be just to excessive to handle.


Many thanks to Billy and his gorgeous wife Danelle for supplying and cooking
a greatly appreciated sausage sizzle. We all appreciate your efforts and hope you decide to continue the tradition each week. OOps each month.. AAhh whenever you want to..
As is tradition a wash up meeting held at the end of the day assured a great time was had by all.

Hope to see you all out again next week.

Friday, 1 May 2015

25 Apr 2015

  What a great way to spend ANZAC day. Out at the field flying. The weather was perfect and with a good turn out it was on with the mayhem.......

Lets get all the Drama out of the way first.

First up Dennis had a bit of a problem with the Sopwith
as the covering started to part with the fuse and then
it was all over. What a sad way to see the end of this
beautiful aeroplane.

Just to keep the carnage going Dennis then had an engine failure on
take off which resulted in a forced landing of his sleek Pc9.

Damage luckily was limited to the undercarriage. I am sure those
wheels are not supposed to face that way.

Next up Bob thought he had better modify his Pc9..
Cameron thought it was time to give the Sky Mule a bit of a makeover.
Now that looks ugly...
James had had enough of his trainer and thought it would fly better
 in a few pieces..

Now what has caught the attention of the crowd????
Dennis has come out to play. The first flight of a jet at the new field.

Lined up and after  Dennis  has said a few prays he is ready to go..

Safely airborne and what a fantastic sight and sound it is.
You have to admit those jets are just the stuff.

Just to top off a fantastic flight Dennis nails the landing with a silky smooth touch.

Showing off Billy had a few great flight of his Cap and I hear all
is in readiness for the first flight of P51 Glamorous Glenn.
Greg put on a flawless display with his Ultimate.
Bob pulled out his reserve aircraft The super Cub. I am not sure if he managed to get it flying or not
but it sure does look great.

Next up Jack has finished his Pc9 and after some engine glitches
managed to maiden it with out any further trouble.       
Well done Jack great effort..

Anthony (the Prez) had some good flights of his Bi-plane PT-17

Looks the business in the air.

Nice landing too..

End of the day and the field is looking a picture.
The Boys still managed a wash up meeting at the end.
See you all next week and we hope the weather is again as kind as it was today.
Sausage sizzle and unveiling of our new club shirts this week so
come on down for a great day.