Saturday, 25 July 2015

25 July 2015

                        The weather was great and the field was freshly mowed. We had a great turn out today with lots of flying. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come for the club as everything is going ahead with great success in our endeavour to close the deal with the Council on our new field site. I will keep you up to date as things progress. So far we are in the final stages of acquiring the use of our 2 year temporary site and should have the tick of approval in a couple of weeks.....

A full flight line. What a great site..
Looks a little chaotic at the moment but we will have it sorted soon.
Jacks Pc9 ready for action.
Dennis spent some of the day trying to get that dam
DLE 35 to run again. It is proving to be a
reason for Dennis to start drinking..

I had my Boomerang out and for a change had a half dozen flights.
See I can fly it and not crash.....

The Prez got out the noisy guns with a great flight of his chopper
followed by a lucky escape when his throttle servo failed and
he had to sit and wait for the fuel to run out.
Some serious discussions about anything is the choice of the day.
Billy and Danielle inspecting the results of a Elevator servo miss function.
Lucky an easy fix.
It was great to see Jesse with his 100cc Extra.
After being re certified by James ( our heavy model inspector)
Jesse put on a fantastic display of flying. It sure is fantastic to see in the air.
You can't miss it.......
Who said flying has gone to the dogs. Sadie our latest member was relaxing after
all the action. There was a lot to take in.

Sorry to have to do this to you Domenic but the walk of shame is a bit of
a tradition around here. After the purchase of the boomerang today There was nothing left but to have a couple of test flights. Dam should have put them off until next week.
Bloody Dumb Thumbs.....

Well if it is too big to put inside what choice do you have. I bet this got a lot of
looks as you were heading down the road.
That was another great day for the CMAC team.
Hope the weather holds up and we can do it all again next week.
See you at the field...

Sunday, 12 July 2015

11 July 2015

Well after a bit of re organising we have started to get some flying done. There has been a bit of a change to the field but with the rain and sun the grass has started to make our new temporary strip look quite good.

The weather seams to be coming good and today it was in our favour.

It looks like we have got this flying down to a regimented art form.
Obviously there is something happening here.
Great line up guys..
We will be holding our AGM on Saturday the 18th July 2pm at the field.
Please try to make it as we have a number of things to discuss plus the election
of new office bearers.
Anyone with anything they would like to sort out can have their time at the meeting.
We really do need to get together so that we can organize our club's future direction.
We have to decide what our club membership fees will be as they are due now...
We have some very encouraging news to announce at the meeting.
Hope to see you all on Saturday.
We will be flying before and after the meeting..