Another great day for flying and a good turn out of pilots came to have a go. The wind was a little gusty but nothing like it has been of late. The rain stayed away and it was actually a little humid and warm. Ahhh the end of winter.

The ever reliable Barrie took up lots of tarmac with his hanger load of aircraft.
It was great to see him get all of his aircraft up and flying. His EDF M.E. 262 is great to
see flying. Very fast and sleek.
Billy had quite a lot of air time with his Cap. You are starting to master that thing with
some real greaser landings. Good to see. I think the Spitty and Mustang can't be far away now.Keep up the good work.
The flight line, at times, was quite busy. Here you can see the concentration on their faces.
With the circuit full you had to keep your eyes on the job.
Domenic continues to fly with the aid of Greg and is starting to get the hang of those sticks....
Dennis returned with his now tuned up Yak and after a few minor adjustments was dominating the sky as usual. Good to see you having some uninterrupted flying for a change.
Greg had a few good flight with his nice looking Ultimate. Later in the day the wind started to play havoc and was throwing it around a lot. Discretion was the better part of valour and it was decided that it was time to pack it up and check the esky..
After filling the tank and the fuselage of the Pc9 the split fuel tank meant it was a no
fly day for me.
I guess if you don't have enough aircraft to fly then do as James did. You simply have to break them in half and then you have two.
Not a nice way to end the day but "hey" I am pleased to pass on the 'walk of shame' card to James.
There were many other club members out flying today but I wasn't sharp enough to get the photos.
Hopefully by this time next week we will have the lease to our new temporary field signed up and we can then set about planning the setup of it.
See you all next week..