Sunday, 31 January 2016

30 January 2016

Another great day in paradise. 34 degrees and 90% humidity. Perfect day to be in the pool.
The people that fly model aircraft must think a bit different as we had a great turn out today.
Luckily we had a northerly breeze of about 15 knots all day. Not so great for flying but good to keep us a little cooler.

The shade was well sort after to get things ready.

This shot was from last weeks flying. Barry had his new Long-Ezy ready for another fly. This time he had fitted a newly purchased larger motor in it. After some great flying the plane lost all power only to land safely. That was when Barry noticed the smoke coming from inside the cockpit. A rushed cowl removal revealed a fried motor and sizzling ESC. Dam faulty stuff. It lives to fly another day all be it with a different electrical system in it.

Barrys hanger doors opened up and out came his sweet looking  Ryan.

Along with the very consistent "Almighty"
Seems he has a helping hand with his flying......

It seems that Barry still had some time on his hands and managed to put together this little gem.

It actually flew well except it is in need of a larger tail to make it a little less drastic on the turns.
Well done Barry. I hope you can inspire us to build a few ourselves.

Greg got his new Raven ready for a maiden flight. Wow what a striking looking aircraft.

The Raven is fitted out with Greg's old but faithful OS200. After a little adjusting it flew perfectly. It sure looked great up against the blue sky. Looking forward to see it flying each week.

After a dead stick landing last week ended in a broken front retract, a bit of work and a new replacement meant the Pc9 was ready to go again. This week flying great. Still a little engine adjusting to sort out but that shouldn't take long.

Billy was out and flying his 60cc Sbach. After about 5 minutes of flying the engine stopped and a quick landing was made. Following a bit of investigation the main fuel line in the tank was found to have split and fallen off the feed pipe. A quick fix and it is ready to go again.

Ivan decided to come along and join us for some flying.

He bought along an elec and nitro aircraft to put through their paces.
Nice to have you onboard Ivan.

Curtis readying his Extra.

Anthony has repaired his wing after the covering decided to part away from the frame.
After a bit of flying a loud bang was heard and we thought it must have imploded however after a dead stick landing the prop was found with a blade broken off.
No Anthony you can't glue it back.......

Dennis is continuing to have fun with his Yak.

And likewise James had his ever reliable P47.

It was great to see Turk back following his 9 week tour of duty over seas. We are happy to report that he brought back the coveted title of international Karaoke champion. Something we are all, I am sure, very proud and very envious of. Well done Turk

With his multi tasking talents he had his flybaby and his battered boomerang ready for air dominance.

Gary was a little nervous watching Capt jack fly so he did what we all wont to do. Hit the bottle of comfort. Jack actually is flying extremely well and we all think it is time to step up to the 50cc range. OOps sorry Gary that means more bottle fed comforting required.

It was really great to see the pilots box continually filling with pilots. A great day even thought it was a dam hot one.

Russell must have known about the esky and came out to see what all the fuss was about. Great to see you back Russell. And then the day slowly saw people sitting and rehydrating.

Another great day at the field.

Just a quick reminder that the warbirds day is now on the 20th Feb. Hope you are all getting those warbirds ready for action.

See you all next week...

Saturday, 16 January 2016

16 January 2016

With the strip and carpark freshly mowed it was down to business early on another blistering hot day.
Hard to beat Barry to the field but a few of us are starting to wake up to the benefits of the 10am start and setup.

Barry showing his home built delta wing that he has made to test the concept.
He has plans to build a much larger one if this is successful.

After a little rebalancing and a bit of fiddling it flew great. I can't wait to see the big one built and flying.


A few more aircraft from barry's hanger.

Half way through a flight the film decided to part company with the tail fin. As per usual it was back to the pits and following a bit of the magic tape it was back in the air.

James had his mini Long Ezy out and flying.

They are a great sight to see flying.

James "B" getting the P47 ready

The P47 is still great to see in the air. Come on James when are we going to see the Trojan....

Good to see Greg out again. Having some early engine troubles with the MSX-R  so
it was back to the old faithful.

After giving his home built rocket a flogging I think all was forgiven.

Smiling like a Cheshire Cat Billy"E" is sooo happy with his 60cc Sbach.
Hard to tell isn't it.

Billy loves the way it flys. So easy to put it where you want it to go. I think we will be seeing a lot of this one in the sky.

Good Grief.. What's that in your hand Prez. (must be hot weather)

Enough sitting around. Anthony had his Aquila out and flying and boy does this thing motor.
After a few high speed flights the exhaust extension decide to brake bringing the fun to an abrupt end.

So out come the mini P47. Dam thing is just a rocket to.

Anthony's Pc9 ready for some Roulette action.

I couldn't think of any more bullshit as a reason why I haven't flown the Pits. So it was time to get it out of the trailer and dust it off.

The kit is only meant for a 50 cc but I managed to shoe horn a DLE 60 twin into it. After a bit of engineering I managed to build a bracket to hold the electric start. Works a treat. With all the extra weight in the nose it is very necessary that the landings be pretty smooth or the thing might break in half. A tough call for me and my flying. hehehe

Yep and I actually flew it a few times. Still trying to get it trimmed to my liking but it flys great.Just after the last landing it decided to bounce back into the sky and broke of the undercarriage in typical balsa wood fashion. A good bit of ply is in order so it wont be long before its ready to fly again.  

Bob was ready to get some flying in first with his Australian, no ah British Pc9.

His Super Cub was sheading fuel into the fuselage so I guess it was just voicing its complaint of
sitting inside for so long.. A bit of maintenance and all will be forgiven.

Captain Jack was getting ready for his maiden flight of the new boomerang.
It was proving a bit harder to do with the new Super Tiger engine playing hard to tune. So it was
back to his faithful Pc9 for some great flying.

Dennis leading the way with his Yak in tow. He sure is getting good on the sticks now.
I think it might be time we saw some jets or Germans.....

Well here is a great reminder about the dangers of Lipo Batteries.
Barry was charging the receiver battery in his van when we heard a bang and the sounds of a sky rocket. The Lipo had just decided to self destruct and shot off the charger and luckily out of the van and onto the ground in a flaming mess. lucky not to set fire to anything other than the grass.
The battery was not puffy or showing any signs of damage or wear. Just goes to show you how careful we must be whilst charging and storing these Lipo batteries. Always charge them inside a flame proof bag and store then in a flame proof container. Having them inside you house is not a smart idea.

That's it for another week of flying. Don't forget about the 13th February. This is the date of our WW1 and 2 aircraft flying day. If you have a war bird get it ready for a fighting flying date in feb.
Hope to see as many as we can get.
Just as a last note. Please take care if you are off the cut parts of the field as there are a lot of snakes in the area.

See you all next week. Hope the weather is kind to us...

Saturday, 9 January 2016

9 January 2016

Welcome back and happy New Year to all.

It was a great start to the new year with 35 deg heat and 95% humidity.
You gotta love the tropics.
With a lot of rain over Christmas the field has started to green up nicely.
A new set of blades and lots of fuel for the mower were the first thing on 2016's agenda.
Thanks to those for their time and efforts into getting the field ready to fly. I know it is not any easy task but you have to admit we have the best scenery to fly around at in all of  Australia. Its going to be hard when the time comes for us to move to our permanent site next year.
Well its time to get on with some flying before we all melt into the grass.

Our work horse.... If only it could do the mowing on its own..

What a View....

Curtis with his evolution gas powered Extra.

And now the mustang with the 15cc gas evolution... It sounded and fly's so nice..

After a superb landing the mustang continued to roll and bounced on one of our many uneven spots and after another 5 touch and go's it managed to brake away the retract. Easy fix with our favourite epoxy.

James "B" came out for a short spell and had a couple of great flights with his P47.

The prez alias Anthony was out with his Pc9 among other aircraft.

During a flight with his 30cc Sbachy the film on the top of the stbd wing decided to part company. Luckily Anthony could land it ok and I guess it has a date with the iron.

Ohh so lucky...

Billy "E" produced his newest acquisition The beautiful 60cc Sbachy that he has just purchased from Steve Cram. Steve assures us he will be back out flying soon as it is to sad to see his aircraft just hanging from the wall at the moment due to work and family commitments. He also has a nice
Sundowner fitted with a DLE55cc engine for sale. A little oversized but man does this thing haul.

Billy had a successful maiden flight with just a few little bugs to sort out. A bit of trimming and a little thing like re-attaching the throttle servo mount and "bingo". Throttle control means for better flying control. hehehehe. Following his first engine run the fuel tank couldn't take the heat of the day and decided to split and empty all the fuel into the fuselage. Easy to fix just dried it all out and re- applied the stick on Velcro and fitted a new tank. Unbeknown to him was that the fuel had melted the glue on the servo mount. After a few circuits the glue and mount let go and the engine went to idle.
Being such a great aircraft it was easy for Billy to just float the thing in for a smooth landing.
Well done Billy and please remember to breath while you are flying. Just a Tip..

Barry was on speed with his elaborate hanger full of aircraft and this little home creation flew well just like everything else he fly's.

What can I say!!!

Time for a maiden flight of his new Long Ezy fitted out with electric motor.
Unfortunately the motor could not produce enough thrust so its home for a new and bigger motor first.

Barry then decided to fly his antique Edge. It fly's flawlessly even though the film on the wings has shed the clear covering and is down to the last bit of film. 

Jack's Back.... He is starting to put on a bit of a display with his Pc9. Great control and smooth landings. Bloody 16 year old smart A#*E. Well done jack you are really going great. It might be time to step up to the gas class. Ohh Ahum. Just ask the gangster for a quid. hehehe

Cameron had some smooth flights with his Sky Mule and some great landings while viewing through his monitors. To much for me to handle..

Dennis was out with his 30cc Yak. Great to see this in the air. With all this good flying Dennis I think we may have to get ready for some Jet action.

Dennis getting ready to maiden his new Pc9. Equipped with an OS 120 there would be no shortage of power.

The flight went well and it flew fantastic. You really have those thumbs dialled in nicely now Dennis.

Well I got the tiger out for a flight only to get in a couple of circuits due to a broken on-board glow wire. It then needed lots of engine adjustments but the heat of the day won and I packed it away. The bar was calling.....

I scared the life out of my new radian glider by getting it out of the trailer. However as of the bone arse lazy streak I was in it too got put straight back in the trailer. Ready for the next weekend.

Well that's it for another week. We had a small turn out today but the weather was not kind and I think people are still on the last days of holiday mode.
Hope to see you all out flying next week weather permitting.

Here's to us all having a great New Year.