The club would like to thank NULEAF for their very kind donation of grass seed. We hope to turn our newly graded runways and parking areas
from this......
from this......

Into this....
Turk flew his PT-19 which seamed to handle the wind fine. (I am sure that turk would have been happier if he could handle the wind as good as his PT-19) Hehehe
And Turk's flybaby getting ready for more action.
After a late night rushing to finish his trainer Trent finally got to see it fly. Thanks to help of our instructor James it flew perfectly. Keep up the good work Trent. You are doing a great job.
James flew his ever reliable edge and showed that the wind didn't make any difference to his silky flying skills.
Curtis had a line up of his newly decorated Astro hog and the Fieseler Stork. He also tempted fate with his 450 chopper but the wind seamed to make that a little to risky.
Greg had his instructor face on as he watched Billy go through his paces flying for his bronze wings. Billy had his "oh shit" face on but, as it proved, for no reason.
Congratulations Billy "You did it". Another Bronze wing member for the club.
Dennis prepared the FW 190 but the onboard starter had other ideas. No flying today. Hope it wasn't caused by that dodgy soldering on the motor done by that even dodgier club member.
The Yak was up for a fly and It looked the part.
A very nice sight in the air. Well done Dennis.
It was great to see the return of Pastor Barry a, past member who took a furlow to build his new home. He came to the aid of James and reset James's transmitter with a hand full of expo and that helped hone James's flying skills. Good work both of you.
Irish had another lesson with James as her instructor. Great flying Irish..When is that solo coming.
Anthony getting his MXS-R ready. It flew well with Anthony giving his engine a flogging. That was just before the engine decided enough was enough and the crankshaft (we think) kinda bent. That put paid to its flying this week.
It was time for the maiden flight of Anthonys new Wilga. (nicknamed Bloody Ugly)
It was very hesitant to get into the air but that was only to precede the next few terrifying moments for Anthony. With full back elevator he frantically had to trim full back as well only just to make a very quick landing which resulted in the Exhaust canister being pulled away on landing. Lucky escape.
Anthony trying to coax his Wilga into the air.
After some hasty investigation it appears that the elevator/horizontal tail plain has the wrong angle of incidence and is forcing the nose down. Some work to be done here before its next flight.
In an attempt to get us all on the same page i have made this plan of our parking at the field. It is only a start to see how it works. If everyone can start to park this way we can then gauge its effectiveness. If anyone has any other ideas please put them forward so we can assess it all.
Another great day at the farm........ See you all next week....
Well done on the newsleter Paul. You doing a great job.