Sunday, 7 September 2014


              A great turnout at the field today ready for a great days flying. The wind was calm at first but but shortly after lunch it started to pick up and luckily stayed below gale force for a change.

The field needed a bit of a work. Some raking and levelling so we were lucky to be able to get in a local named "Bubba" to do the grunt work  for us. He was happy and worked for a few peanuts!!!!!

After the hired help had finished work, James was quick to get in the air with his edge.

Anthony brought out his new secret weapon ( The new 60 size Boomerang) just to steady the nervous after a great save of the near disasterous  maiden flight of his Wilga the other week. He also had his foam Trojan out for a bit of a fly.

Dennis flew his Yak but soon discovered that he had not used enough epoxy on the undercarriage after ripping them off last week. I think epoxy should be measure in kilo's not grams...


Billy had another successful flight of his Cap. She is still flying well so don't retire it yet.

After my many discouraging crashes lately (none of which could possibly be classed as my fault) i decided to go back to basics and get a bit of flying done with the new nitro Pc9

Following a successful shake down maiden flight by our instructor James it was my turn to see if i still knew what control did what. And what do you know it fly's.

Graeme and Bob trying to coax some life into Graeme's Pc9

The field looked like something from a RAAF open day with the Roulettes gracing our strip. They put on a good show with some outstanding formation flying. Well they were all up in the air at the same time..... Got to start somewhere..

James flew well again with his trainer.

James gave Jack some help getting his foam Cessna ready for its first flight.

Well done Jack. Your first flight went great.

Turk had his flybaby and 

His new Dual ace lined up in the pitts.

The twin OS 55 powered Dual Ace was getting some last minute tuning before an attempt was made to get it airborne.
The wheels proved to be to small for the rough runway and after running into the rugged side of the strip the nose wheel collapsed. A little more work and a maiden flight planned for a few weeks time.

Turk put all that aside and went on to help his brother Gary out with a few flights of his boomerang.

Billy flew his chopper after a few flights of his Boomerang. WOW how many of those boomerangs are out here..

Greg bought out the big guns and 
punished the sky with his enormous 

He decided that bigger was better and prepared his extra for a flogging. 

Following a great flight and and an even better approach to land a sudden wind shear threw his extra onto the deck. Not pretty and totally unavoidable. With surgical precision the engine was parted at the firewall. Couldn't cut it any neater with a knife. Apart from some splayed main undercarriage there appears to be no other damage. Sooo lucky. Start mixing that epoxy. 

Just to add a bit more stress to his day, Greg brought out his auto gyro for a spin.

And UP, UP and

Bugger... Down.. Hey Greg at least that little chopper flew great.

And now for a very nasty safety breach........Can you pick it.......

That's right you picked it.  BOB didn't have any sun glass eye protection on. It's very sunny here in Far North QLD. Better care in future please Bob.

           Michael was finally coaxed into flying his Katana. 

Total concentration

Another great flight Michael.

Being the day for some serious actions. It was soon brought to our attention that The Prez, AKA Anthony, Alias Tony had stocked the esky with............ Bloody soft drink. What the Hell was he thinking. How was the end of day wash up meeting going to pan out.

Note the lone XXXX in the middle Oh and the laddies drinks on the right...

Better effort required here Boss.

Lucky we are very adaptable and could overcome these frustrating issues. The day was sorted and put to bed.

Another great day at CMAC.
See you all next week.