First up today was Dennis and his super fast, super slick Pc9.
What a rocket. It fly's like its on rails. Great to see in the air.

Herman the FW 190 was readied for a dance.
After a few engine runs it was time for a pre flight taxi test.
Looks like Dennis taking his dog for a walk...
The runways over here......
Man this thing is loud and really lets everyone know its in the air.
After a great flight the only thing left was to ,,,Um,, Land..
Following a little mishap on approach it settled down only to reposition the landing gear.
Bugger.. Bring out the Epoxy and it will be as good as new.
It does look close to the ground.
Robert was out with his trusty MSX-R. You really have a good handle on those sticks now.
Great flying Rob. You are doing so well.
James had his tried and true regular P47. More great flights for this bird.
Barrie arrived and began to assemble his hanger full of aircraft.
Talk about make a big entry. hehehe
Well these are just a few of Barrie's aircraft. Fantastic to see them all
not just for show but flying as well. Sorry about the quality of the photo's
I guess a clean lens would make all the difference.
Note to self.... Keep the lens clean,,,,,,
After some very good flying which was a spectacle to see it came to Barrie's attention that
Battery voltage in the receiver was pretty important. Unfortunately after a great flight of
the Ryan the receiver battery voltage had dropped way to much and after a lot of juggling
by Barrie he managed to make a miraculous crash landing and save the life of the Ryan. A bit of tail and undercarriage damage was all he has to deal with. Ohhhh and getting some new batteries.
Even with limited control. Well done Barrie.
Cameron had his sky mule up and running and also brought out his Stinger.
After a few propeller and motor glitches it was decided by Cameron to install a couple
of 2 bladed props to the Mule. All was flying well until........
Hey Dennis when you finish with that Epoxy can I have a little......
Billy was getting his Cap ready after installing a few new essentials like...A receiver and a new battery switch.
With a bit of ground handling assistance from James the Cap was ready for a flight
using his new JR 11X transmitter.
Happy to report the flights went well and she flew great..
If you keep flying as well as you are Billy that mustang will take flight very soon.
Greg had a mixed bag today and had great fun with his huge chopper.
A few new batteries are needed for it though.
A great turn out today with lots of visitors keen to see the action. I think it might have been Dennis's 190 that woke them all up..... Good to see so much interest.
I know I know. Clean the bloody lens.......sorry.
Turk getting the Boomerang ready for a flogging.
The flybaby was ready and eager to fly. It is performing so well now with the new engine..
Not to be out done. Irish was equipped with these massive quad copters and ready to show us
her skills. Great work Irish They look like a lot of fun. I think we will all have to get one of
those monsters.
And finally after all that frustrating fun it was time for the CMAC Ale quality control team to get
into the action. You have to love that time of day.
Lots of great things happening with the club in the future so come on out
and be a part of the action. A big event coming up soon. More details as
they come to hand.
Hope to see you all out next week.
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