The Barriers are taking shape.
Great job.. It is starting to look good. Just need some grass and some rain...
Jesse started early choosing to settup in the shade of his umbrella.
His flight line included his extremely fast EDF jet and his ever reliable Sbach.
Rob had a couple of great flights with his MSX-R but ended with the prop shearing off the mounting bolts and lucky for him it was on the ground in the starting area. No harm done. Just 4 bolts to replace.
Trent had his resurrected pulse with its glad wrapped canopy. ( very innovative).
Flying very well Trent.
Bob getting his Pc9 ready for another Roulette display. Dennis and I were also ready with our Pc9's ready to put on a formation spectacle of ... Ahh... precision formation flying......
Well we were all in the air together and we all managed to landed (sort of) together and in the meaning of precision none of us managed to taxi back to the flight line. Now that's formation..........
Curtis lined up with his extra and his fat bodied elec chopper.
Now this was interesting... Curtis bought out his nitro chopper and strangely enough called it "Start You Bastard" . An unusual name but very fitting as he could not get the thing to Start..
Dennis brought out the big guns with his FW 190. It flew fantastic and as soon as Dennis relaxed and stopped cutting "O"rings the flight was very impressive. Unfortunately it had a little OOpsie on landing and missed the start of the runway by a lousy 6 feet. The wheels grabbed for the long grass and weeds and brought it to a quick stop. Not much more than a bit of epoxy to fix it up.
It sure has a great presence in the sky. Hope to see it back next week.

The freshly repaired MSX-R was out and Anthony rung its neck as usual.
Jack flew his foamy like a pro informed us that he has just purchased a Pc9 in Roulette colours.
The CMAC roulettes are taking shape.....
James flew his edge with great ease. Time to see the jet or trojan out here James......
Michael, trying to find a nice looking side of his Katana to take the photo. Oh well it flys well and you sure show it no mercy.......
After a very tiring days work we had to end it with our normal flight line meeting with our very special friend only know as XXXX.
The latest updated version of our clubs by-laws will be sent out by email to all members hopefully this week. See you all next saturday......
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