Billy started of the day with his huge spitfire. You sure have tamed that beast.
The Cap was out next but there seamed to be a few gremlins in the electrics and with a few bad connections being a possible cause of the erratic control behavior.
Billy thought it better to put it back in the hanger for today.
Wise move. I wish i had taken your idea.
It was time to get my new Sbach 300 with EME60 and electric start into the air.
In the skilled hands of Jesse, its maiden flight was carried out without any problems at all.It flew well with very little trimming to be done. James had a quick turn at the sticks and was happy with its tame flying characteristics. This all preceded a silky smooth landing by Jesse.
After a refuel and a few turns on the rudder cables to re tension them, it was time for my first flight.All went extremely well until after 5 minutes of flying, i was carrying out a few approaches, and all of a sudden the aircraft pitched nose up and continue to do a roll and headed straight for the deck. I had a complete lock out of all controls.
The result of course is.......
Total destruction.
After surveying the wreck and piecing everything together nothing obvious could be found.
Plugging the receiver back in brought everything back to life.
Only possible explanation was a lead had come loose or unplugged or the
receiver was placed to close to the steel rudder cables which cause the interference.
Or may just the good old UFO invasion theory.
That makes it 2 new aircraft in a row that have not lasted long.
Maybe i should take up lawn bowls......
I didn't even have any luck with my Pc9 as i found a few millimeters missing from each prop tip.
The result from last weeks dead stick landing.
Can i have a fly of your plane. I will look after it..Honest.
Dennis was out with his Pc9 and had it flying like a pro.
Show Off...
As per usual, James had his Edge out and flew effortlessly.
Finally, Michael had his well used and pieced together
Katana out for another fly.This week he strapped a video camera to the left hand main strut. Some very interesting footage is available of the flight. All be it a bit stomach
churning. Well done Michael..
Hey what is the JR plug and cable doing hanging
out from underneath the tail. Spare parts. Hehehe
Get him to you show you his video...
Sorry if i left anyone out of the blog. I don't think my mind was on the job this week......
AHHH WELL .. hopefully a better day next week........
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