Monday, 17 November 2014


A very quiet day today with only a few hardy members venturing out to fly. The wind was pretty calm and the temperature was on the rise.


The first and most important thing on today's agenda is to send a big wish from all the club members for a very speedy return to good health to Graeme toune. With yet another speed hump in the road to his recovery we all send our best wish's and can't wait to see you back out at the field real soon. Besides.. You must be getting tired of all that attention from all those nurses....


Our favourite bar member Curtis was out to tackle the set up on his new 500 chopper and get his extra into the air. I think both were successful.

As usual James flew that bloody Edge and again had no problems.
 That sure must be getting boring...

Rob was out for a bit of relaxing flying which eventually turned out to be a bit of a frustration instead. After a great first flight the engine was doing a few odd things and Rob wisely chose to 
land. Once the throttle was pulled back to idle the engine quit and after much testing later on it seams its quit forever. A possible bent crank has brought the 36 cc teradacle to be used as a future door stop.
Who talked you into buying one of those. Hehehehe

The flight line looking pretty sparse.

Dennis had a fly of his Pc9 only to have a dead stick which left his Roulette with a bit of a dirty nose. Bring out that epoxy.....

We were lucky enough to have some visitors from England who came for a look at our field. Unfortunately for them it was such a quiet day. Peter and Margret came along to see what the Aussies were up to. They have been in Australia for about a month and drove up from Sydney. That was a great effort and a big drive. They stopped at all the right places on the way up so managed to see the worst of Australia before they got to the best part. Cairns. Peter fly's in a club back home and i think it was in Somserset. I hope i got that right. Their club fly's from an old WW2 runnway.
(Lucky Buggers) 
We tried hard to convince his wife Margret that he needed more aircraft. The old saying being, He who has the most toys when we leave this earth wins... Hope that helps you Peter. You need to put those .40 size aircraft away and get on with the petrol ones. 
Anyway they where heading back home so we wish you both safe travels and hopefully we can have the pleasure of  seeing you again.  

As per usual the religious de-brief of the days affairs was still held and as you can see a bit of a smaller gathering today but always a good one.

Hope to see you all this weekend.    And again....... 
Good luck Graeme. Our thoughts are with you........ 

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